Defend Base 3 part a (last part b coming soon) Created by "Angel" ======================================== ES Sucesos antes del incidente de Black Mesa, nos encontramos en base 3, por alguna extraña razon militares del gobierno inesperadamente llegaron y comenzaron a disparar todo aquel que se encuentre en esta base, el Dr.Wires es el unico sobreviviente o eso creian... por lo que nuestra mision es rescatarlo, con eso obtendremos informacion de lo sucedido. Spoiler: Al comenzar el incidente de Black Mesa, el portal se intercomunica con base 3 por lo cual el Sargento Freed debe de informar a los militares de lo sucedido y cambiar su postura, impediendo que suceda lo mismo que Black Mesa. ======================================== ES ======================================== EN Events before the Black Mesa incident, we are in base 3, for some strange reason government military unexpectedly arrived and started shooting everyone who is in this base, Dr.Wires is the only survivor so our mission is to rescue him With that we will obtain information about what happened. Spoiler: At the beginning of the Black Mesa incident, the portal intercommunicates with base 3, so Sergeant Freed must inform the military of what happened and change his position, preventing the same thing as Black Mesa from happening. ======================================== EN ======================================== Additional credits Dr-ninjablack Tomas [SC] Draco [SC] Littlemonster Selee s2´ Mata Garompa (Translation English & Fix files structure) Vaelastrasz (Video) ========================================