namespace WeaponCustom { // State shared between weapons and monsters class WeaponState { // weapon ent (players only) WeaponCustomBase@ c_wep = null; CBasePlayerWeapon@ wep = null; // Monster ent (mosnters only) MonsterCustomBase@ c_mon = null; CBaseEntity@ user; // owner of the weapon weapon_custom_shoot@ active_opts; // active shoot opts bool shootingHook = false; bool meleeHit = false; bool abortAttack = false; bool healedTarget = true; bool needShellEject = false; bool canShootAgain = true; bool burstFiring = false; float nextBurstFire = 0; int numBurstFires = 0; float ejectShellTime = 0; float nextCooldownEffect = 0; array< array > beams = {{null}, {null}}; // CBeam handles array beamHits; // beam impact sprites (CSprite handles) array ubeams; // user effect beams bool beam_active = false; bool first_beam_shoot = false; float minBeamTime = 0; float beamStartTime = 0; float nextBeamAttack = 0; // constant beam attack delay float lastBeamDamage = 0; bool windingUp = false; bool windupSoundActive = false; bool windingDown = false; bool windupHeld = false; bool windupFinished = false; bool windupLoopEntered = false; bool windupOvercharged = false; bool windupShooting = false; // true if finished windup and currently shooting bool windupOnly = false; // current fire held is for windup only bool idleShot = false; // set to true after firing from an idle windup state float windupStart = 0; float lastWindupInc = 0; int windupAmmoUsed = 0; float lastWindupHeld = 0; // Don't winddown immediately or else laggy players won't be able to hold a windup float windupMultiplier = 1.0f; float windupKickbackMultiplier = 1.0f; EHandle hook_ent; EHandle hook_beam; float hookAnimStartTime = 0; bool hookAnimStarted = false; EHandle laser_spr; float partialAmmoModifier = 1.0f; // scale damage by how much ammo was used int partialAmmoUsage; // reduce ammo usage if damage amount was less than expected (e.g. heal past max health) int shootCount = 0; int active_ammo_type = -1; int liveProjectiles = 0; int reloading = 0; // continous reload state int reloading2 = 0; // secondary reload state bool reloadSecondary = false; float lastPrimaryRegen = 0; float lastSecondaryRegen = 0; float deployTime = 0; float nextShootTime = 0; float nextActionTime = 0; float unhideLaserTime = 0; float reloadFinishTime = 0; float nextReload = 0; float nextReloadEnd = 0; float deathTime; WeaponSound@ lastCooldownSnd; WeaponSound@ lastShootSnd; } // For attacks that last longer than 1 frame void AttackThink(WeaponState& state) { CBaseEntity@ attacker = state.user; if (attacker is null) return; if (state.laser_spr) { CBaseEntity@ ent = state.laser_spr; if (state.unhideLaserTime > g_Engine.time) { // temporarily hide the laser ent.pev.effects |= EF_NODRAW; } else { if (ent.pev.effects & EF_NODRAW != 0) ent.pev.effects &= ~EF_NODRAW; Vector vecSrc = getGunPos(attacker); Math.MakeVectors( attacker.pev.v_angle ); // todo: monster angles TraceResult tr; Vector vecEnd = vecSrc + g_Engine.v_forward * 65536; g_Utility.TraceLine( vecSrc, vecEnd, dont_ignore_monsters, attacker.edict(), tr ); ent.pev.origin = tr.vecEndPos; } } if (state.needShellEject and state.ejectShellTime < g_Engine.time) { EjectShell(state); state.needShellEject = false; } if (state.reloading > 0) { bool emptyClip = state.c_wep.settings.clip_size() > 0 and state.wep.m_iClip <= 0; bool cancelReload = (state.windupHeld and !emptyClip); bool responsiveCancel = state.reloading == 2 and cancelReload and state.c_wep.settings.reload_mode == RELOAD_STAGED_RESPONSIVE; if (state.nextReload < g_Engine.time or responsiveCancel) { bool noCancelDelay = state.c_wep.settings.reload_cancel_time <= 0; // reload clip at the end of the animation if (!noCancelDelay and state.nextReload < g_Engine.time) { if (state.reloading == 2 and ReloadContinuous(state, true)) state.reloading = 3; } if (state.reloading == 3 or cancelReload) // either we finished or player wants to shoot { if (cancelReload) { state.wep.SendWeaponAnim(state.c_wep.settings.reload_cancel_anim, 0, state.c_wep.w_body());, CHAN_VOICE); state.nextShootTime = g_Engine.time + state.c_wep.settings.reload_cancel_time; } else { state.wep.SendWeaponAnim(state.c_wep.settings.reload_end_anim, 0, state.c_wep.w_body() );, CHAN_VOICE); state.nextShootTime = g_Engine.time + state.c_wep.settings.reload_end_time; } state.wep.m_flTimeWeaponIdle = state.nextShootTime + 1; // I can't bear adding another keyvalue for this delay state.reloading = 0; } else { state.reloading = 2; if (noCancelDelay) { // reload clip at the beginning of the animation if (state.reloading == 2 and ReloadContinuous(state, true)) state.reloading = 3; } state.c_wep.BaseClass.Reload(); state.wep.SendWeaponAnim( state.c_wep.settings.reload_anim, 0, state.c_wep.w_body() );, CHAN_VOICE); state.nextReload = g_Engine.time + state.c_wep.settings.reload_time; state.nextShootTime = state.nextReload; } } } // finish a simple reload if ((state.reloading < 0 or state.reloading2 < 0) and state.reloadFinishTime < g_Engine.time and attacker.IsPlayer()) { CBasePlayer@ plr = cast(attacker); bool reloadedSecondary = state.reloading2 < 0; int clip_size = reloadedSecondary ? state.c_wep.settings.clip_size2 : state.c_wep.settings.clip_size(); int clip = reloadedSecondary ? state.wep.m_iClip2 : state.wep.m_iClip; int ammoType = reloadedSecondary ? state.wep.m_iSecondaryAmmoType : state.wep.m_iPrimaryAmmoType; int ammoLeft = plr.m_rgAmmo(ammoType); int clipNeeded = clip_size - clip; int reloadAmt = Math.min(clipNeeded, ammoLeft); plr.m_rgAmmo(ammoType, ammoLeft-reloadAmt); if (reloadedSecondary) state.wep.m_iClip2 += reloadAmt; else state.wep.m_iClip += reloadAmt; state.reloading = state.reloading2 = 0; } bool monitorBeams = false; for (int i = 0; i < int(state.ubeams.length()); i++) { if (state.ubeams[i]) { CBaseEntity@ beamEnt = state.ubeams[i]; if (beamEnt.pev.max_health < g_Engine.time) { g_EntityFuncs.Remove(beamEnt); state.ubeams.removeAt(i); i--; } if (beamEnt.pev.max_health > 0) // beam has a life time set monitorBeams = true; } else // beam killed itelf somehow? { state.ubeams.removeAt(i); i--; } } if (state.beam_active) { if (AllowedToShoot(state, state.active_opts) and state.windupHeld and state.minBeamTime == 0 or state.first_beam_shoot) { UpdateBeams(state); state.first_beam_shoot = false; // hook anim vars shared with constant beam (basically the same thing) if (state.minBeamTime == 0 and !state.hookAnimStarted and state.hookAnimStartTime <= g_Engine.time) { state.hookAnimStarted = true;, CHAN_VOICE); state.wep.SendWeaponAnim( state.active_opts.hook_anim, 0, state.c_wep.w_body() ); } } else if (state.beamStartTime + state.minBeamTime > g_Engine.time) { // kill beams with durations less than the total beam duration for (uint k = 0; k < state.active_opts.beams.length(); k++) { if (!state.beams[k][0]) continue; BeamOptions@ beam_opts = state.active_opts.beams[k]; if (beam_opts.time > 0 and state.beamStartTime + beam_opts.time < g_Engine.time) DestroyBeam(state, k); } } else { CancelBeam(state); } cancelWindupTimeout(state); } else if (state.burstFiring) { if (!AllowedToShoot(state, state.active_opts)) state.burstFiring = false; else if (g_Engine.time > state.nextBurstFire) { ShootOneBullet(state); state.numBurstFires += 1; state.nextBurstFire = g_Engine.time + state.active_opts.bullet_delay; AttackEffects(state); if (state.numBurstFires >= state.active_opts.bullets) state.burstFiring = false; } } else if (state.windingUp) { WindupThink(state); } else if (state.shootingHook) { if (state.windupHeld and state.hook_ent) { if (!state.hookAnimStarted and state.hookAnimStartTime <= g_Engine.time) { state.hookAnimStarted = true;, CHAN_VOICE); state.wep.SendWeaponAnim( state.active_opts.hook_anim, 0, state.c_wep.w_body() ); } } else { state.shootingHook = false; if (state.hook_ent) { CBaseEntity@ hookEnt = state.hook_ent; WeaponCustomProjectile@ hookEnt_c = cast(CastToScriptClass(hookEnt)); hookEnt_c.uninstall_steam_and_kill_yourself(); } state.active_opts.hook_snd.stop(attacker, CHAN_VOICE);, CHAN_VOICE); state.wep.SendWeaponAnim( state.active_opts.hook_anim2, 0, state.c_wep.w_body() ); state.wep.m_flTimeWeaponIdle = g_Engine.time + state.active_opts.hook_delay2; // idle after this if (state.hook_beam) g_EntityFuncs.Remove( state.hook_beam ); state.hook_beam = null; } cancelWindupTimeout(state); } else if (!state.canShootAgain) { // wait for user to stop holding trigger if (attacker.pev.button & 1 == 0) { state.canShootAgain = true; } } else if (!state.laser_spr and !state.needShellEject and state.reloading == 0 and state.reloading2 == 0 and !monitorBeams) return; setNextAttackThink(state, g_Engine.time); } void setNextAttackThink(WeaponState& state, float nextthink) { if (state.user.IsPlayer()) { state.wep.pev.nextthink = nextthink; } else { MonsterCustomBase@ mon = cast(CastToScriptClass(state.user)); mon.pev.nextthink = nextthink; } } float WindupEase(float p, float q, int func, bool inverse) { if (inverse) { // easing functions are reveresed for smooth transitions in the middle of a windup p = 1.0f - p; q = 1.0f - q; } switch(func) { case EASE_IN: p = p*p; break; case EASE_OUT: p = 1.0f - q*q; break; case EASE_INOUT: p = p*p / (p*p + q*q); break; case EASE_IN_HEAVY: p = p*p*p; break; case EASE_OUT_HEAVY: p = 1.0f - q*q*q; break; case EASE_INOUT_HEAVY: p = p*p*p / (p*p*p + q*q*q); break; } return p; } void WindupThink(WeaponState& state) { CBaseEntity@ attacker = state.user; float timePassed = g_Engine.time - state.windupStart; bool shouldWindDown = state.active_opts.wind_down_time > 0; bool responsiveWindup = state.active_opts.pev.spawnflags & FL_SHOOT_RESPONSIVE_WINDUP != 0; bool minWindupDone = timePassed >= state.active_opts.windup_min_time; bool minWindDownDone = timePassed >= state.active_opts.wind_down_cancel_time; bool windDownCancel = minWindDownDone and state.windupHeld; state.windupShooting = false; if (!state.windupHeld and (responsiveWindup and minWindupDone or state.windupFinished) or (state.windingDown and !(responsiveWindup and state.windupHeld) and !windDownCancel )) { if (shouldWindDown) { float p = Math.min(1.0f, timePassed / state.active_opts.wind_down_time); // progress float q = 1.0f - p; // inverse progress if (!state.windingDown) { state.windingDown = true; float ip = 1.0f - Math.min(1.0f, timePassed / state.active_opts.windup_time); state.windupStart = g_Engine.time - ip*state.active_opts.wind_down_time; state.wep.SendWeaponAnim( state.active_opts.wind_down_anim, 0, state.c_wep.w_body() ); WeaponSound@ snd = state.active_opts.windup_snd; if (state.active_opts.wind_down_snd.file.Length() > 0) @snd = @state.active_opts.wind_down_snd; // Play Once sounds are not pitch shifted because there is no way // to determine how long a sound is. Changing pitch causes sound to play again. bool playSoundOnce = snd.options !is null and snd.options.pev.renderfx == 2; if (snd.file.Length() > 0 and playSoundOnce), CHAN_VOICE, 1.0f); state.c_wep.applyPlayerSpeedMult(); } else // winding down { if (timePassed >= state.active_opts.wind_down_time) { // wind down finished state.windingUp = false; state.windupLoopEntered = false; state.windupSoundActive = false; state.windingDown = false; state.windupFinished = false; state.windupAmmoUsed = 0; state.c_wep.applyPlayerSpeedMult(); state.active_opts.windup_snd.stop(attacker, CHAN_VOICE); state.active_opts.wind_down_snd.stop(attacker, CHAN_VOICE); state.active_opts.windup_loop_snd.stop(attacker, CHAN_VOICE); } else { p = WindupEase(p, q, state.active_opts.windup_easing, true); float delta = state.active_opts.windup_pitch_end - state.active_opts.windup_pitch_start; int newPitch = state.active_opts.windup_pitch_start + int(delta*p + 0.5f); //println("T : " + newPitch); WeaponSound@ snd = state.active_opts.windup_snd; if (state.active_opts.wind_down_snd.file.Length() > 0) @snd = @state.active_opts.wind_down_snd; bool playSoundOnce = snd.options !is null and snd.options.pev.renderfx == 2; if (snd.file.Length() > 0 and !playSoundOnce), CHAN_VOICE, 1.0f, newPitch, SND_CHANGE_PITCH); } } } else // fire a bullet at the current windup and stop { state.windingUp = false; state.windupLoopEntered = false; state.windupSoundActive = false; state.windingDown = false; state.windupFinished = false; state.active_opts.windup_snd.stop(attacker, CHAN_VOICE); state.active_opts.windup_loop_snd.stop(attacker, CHAN_VOICE); if (state.active_opts.windup_action != WINDUP_SHOOT_ONCE_IF_HELD or state.windupHeld) if (AllowedToShoot(state, state.active_opts)) DoAttack(state, true); state.c_wep.applyPlayerSpeedMult(); } } else { if (attacker.IsPlayer()) { CBasePlayer@ plr = cast(attacker); bool longJumping = plr.m_Activity == ACT_LEAP; if (state.c_wep.settings.player_anims == ANIM_REF_CROWBAR) { bool correctAnim = plr.pev.sequence == 25 or plr.pev.sequence == 26; if (plr.m_fSequenceFinished or (!correctAnim and !longJumping)) { // Manually set wrench windup loop animation plr.m_Activity = ACT_RELOAD; plr.pev.frame = 0; plr.pev.sequence = 26; plr.ResetSequenceInfo(); } } if (state.c_wep.settings.player_anims == ANIM_REF_GREN) { bool correctAnim = plr.pev.sequence == 33 or plr.pev.sequence == 34; if (plr.m_fSequenceFinished or (!correctAnim and !longJumping)) { // Manually set wrench windup loop animation plr.m_Activity = ACT_RELOAD; plr.pev.frame = 0; plr.pev.sequence = 34; plr.ResetSequenceInfo(); } } } // switch to looped windup animation when the time is right if (!state.windupLoopEntered and state.active_opts.windup_anim_loop != -1) { if (state.windupStart + state.active_opts.windup_anim_time < g_Engine.time) {, CHAN_VOICE); state.wep.SendWeaponAnim( state.active_opts.windup_anim_loop, 0, state.c_wep.w_body() ); state.windupLoopEntered = true; } } if (!state.windupOvercharged and state.active_opts.windup_overcharge_time > 0) { if (state.windupStart + state.active_opts.windup_overcharge_time < g_Engine.time) { state.windupOvercharged = true; EHandle h_plr = attacker; EHandle h_wep = cast(state.wep); custom_user_effect(h_plr, h_wep, @state.active_opts.user_effect2); if (state.active_opts.windup_overcharge_anim >= 0) state.wep.SendWeaponAnim( state.active_opts.windup_overcharge_anim, 0, state.c_wep.w_body() ); if (state.active_opts.windup_overcharge_action != OVERCHARGE_CONTINUE) { state.windingUp = false; state.windupLoopEntered = false; state.windupSoundActive = false; state.windingDown = false; state.windupFinished = false; state.windupHeld = false; if (state.active_opts.windup_overcharge_action == OVERCHARGE_SHOOT) if (AllowedToShoot(state, state.active_opts)) DoAttack(state, true); if (state.active_opts.windup_overcharge_anim <= 0) state.wep.SendWeaponAnim( state.c_wep.settings.getRandomIdleAnim(), 0, state.c_wep.w_body() ); Cooldown(state, state.active_opts); state.active_opts.windup_snd.stop(attacker, CHAN_VOICE); state.c_wep.applyPlayerSpeedMult(); return; } } } float p = Math.min(1.0f, timePassed / state.active_opts.windup_time); // progress float q = 1.0f - p; // inverse progress bool playWindupDuringShoot = true; if (state.windingDown) { state.windingDown = false; state.windupFinished = false; float ip = 1.0f - Math.min(1.0f, timePassed / state.active_opts.wind_down_time); state.windupStart = g_Engine.time - ip*state.active_opts.windup_time; if (windDownCancel and !responsiveWindup) { state.windupLoopEntered = false; state.windupStart = g_Engine.time; // start over if not responsive } if (!state.windupLoopEntered) state.wep.SendWeaponAnim( state.active_opts.windup_anim, 0, state.c_wep.w_body() ); if (state.active_opts.wind_down_snd.file.Length() > 0) { state.active_opts.wind_down_snd.stop(attacker, CHAN_VOICE);, CHAN_VOICE, 1.0f, state.active_opts.windup_pitch_start); } state.c_wep.applyPlayerSpeedMult(); } else if (!state.windupSoundActive) { state.wep.SendWeaponAnim( state.active_opts.windup_anim, 0, state.c_wep.w_body() );, CHAN_VOICE, 1.0f, state.active_opts.windup_pitch_start); state.windupSoundActive = true; } else if (timePassed < state.active_opts.windup_time) { p = WindupEase(p, q, state.active_opts.windup_easing, false); state.windupMultiplier = 1.0f + p*(state.active_opts.windup_mult-1.0f); state.windupKickbackMultiplier = 1.0f + p*(state.active_opts.windup_kick_mult-1.0f); float delta = state.active_opts.windup_pitch_end - state.active_opts.windup_pitch_start; debugln("Windup Damage Multiplier: " + state.windupMultiplier); int newPitch = state.active_opts.windup_pitch_start + int(delta*p + 0.5f); //println("T : " + newPitch); if (newPitch != state.active_opts.windup_pitch_start), CHAN_VOICE, 1.0f, newPitch, SND_CHANGE_PITCH); int ammoUsedNow = int(p*state.active_opts.windup_cost + 0.5f); DepleteAmmo(state, Math.max(0, ammoUsedNow - state.windupAmmoUsed)); state.windupAmmoUsed = Math.max(state.windupAmmoUsed, ammoUsedNow); } else if (timePassed > state.active_opts.windup_time) { state.windupMultiplier = state.active_opts.windup_mult; state.windupKickbackMultiplier = state.active_opts.windup_kick_mult; if (!state.windupFinished) { debugln("Windup Damage Multiplier: " + state.windupMultiplier); } state.windupFinished = true; // TODO: This isn't a good way to check and will never work with tertiary windups bool dontShootOnWindup = state.windupOnly and (attacker.pev.button & IN_ATTACK == 0) or !AllowedToShoot(state, state.active_opts); if (!dontShootOnWindup) { state.idleShot = true; bool onceHeld = state.active_opts.windup_action == WINDUP_SHOOT_ONCE_IF_HELD and state.windupHeld; if (state.active_opts.windup_action == WINDUP_SHOOT_ONCE or onceHeld) { state.windingUp = false; state.windupSoundActive = false; if (state.active_opts.windup_snd.file.Length() > 0) g_SoundSystem.StopSound( attacker.edict(), CHAN_VOICE, state.active_opts.windup_snd.file); DoAttack(state, true); state.c_wep.applyPlayerSpeedMult(); } if (state.active_opts.windup_action == WINDUP_SHOOT_CONSTANT) { if (state.windupHeld) { state.windupShooting = true; if (cooldownFinished(state)) { DoAttack(state, true); } } else { if (!shouldWindDown) { state.windingUp = false; state.windupLoopEntered = false; state.windupFinished = false; state.windupSoundActive = true; state.windupAmmoUsed = 0; state.windupMultiplier = 1.0f; state.windupKickbackMultiplier = 1.0f; state.c_wep.applyPlayerSpeedMult(); } } } } else if (state.idleShot) { state.idleShot = false; // go back to idling if (state.active_opts.windup_anim_loop != -1) state.wep.SendWeaponAnim( state.active_opts.windup_anim_loop, 0, state.c_wep.w_body() ); } } state.c_wep.applyPlayerSpeedMult(); cancelWindupTimeout(state); } } void cancelWindupTimeout(WeaponState& state) { // only cancel if we haven't gotten an update from the player in a while (low fps and/or dropped packets) // 100ms delay handles 20fps with 20% dropped packets, but makes windups less responsive if (state.lastWindupHeld + 0.1f < g_Engine.time) state.windupHeld = false; } // Returns true when finished bool ReloadContinuous(WeaponState& state, bool doReload=true) { CBaseEntity@ attacker = state.user; if (state.c_wep.settings.clip_size() <= 0) return true; if (AmmoLeft(state, state.active_ammo_type) < state.c_wep.settings.reload_ammo_amt) return true; int reloadAmt = Math.min(state.c_wep.settings.clip_size() - state.wep.m_iClip, state.c_wep.settings.reload_ammo_amt); int ammoLeft = AmmoLeft(state, state.active_ammo_type); reloadAmt = Math.min(ammoLeft, reloadAmt); if (doReload) { state.wep.m_iClip += reloadAmt; ammoLeft -= reloadAmt; if (attacker.IsPlayer()) { CBasePlayer@ plr = cast(attacker); plr.m_rgAmmo( state.active_ammo_type, ammoLeft); } } return state.wep.m_iClip >= state.c_wep.settings.clip_size() or ammoLeft < 1; } // do everything except actually shooting something void AttackEffects(WeaponState& state, bool windupAttack=false) { CBaseEntity@ attacker = state.user; if (FailAttack(state, state.active_opts)) return; // kickback if (attacker.IsPlayer()) Math.MakeVectors( attacker.pev.v_angle ); else Math.MakeAimVectors( attacker.pev.angles ); float kickScale = state.windupKickbackMultiplier; Vector kickVel = g_Engine.v_forward*state.active_opts.kickback.z*kickScale + g_Engine.v_up*state.active_opts.kickback.y*kickScale + g_Engine.v_right*state.active_opts.kickback.x*kickScale; attacker.pev.velocity = attacker.pev.velocity + kickVel; if (state.active_opts.pev.spawnflags & FL_SHOOT_QUAKE_MUZZLEFLASH != 0) attacker.pev.effects |= EF_MUZZLEFLASH; bool constantBeamStarted = state.minBeamTime == 0 and state.first_beam_shoot; bool shouldPlayAttackAnim = state.active_opts.shoot_type != SHOOT_BEAM or state.minBeamTime != 0 or constantBeamStarted; // thirperson animation if (attacker.IsPlayer()) { CBasePlayer@ plr = cast(attacker); // play random first-person weapon animation if ((!state.hookAnimStarted or state.meleeHit) and shouldPlayAttackAnim) { int anim = state.meleeHit ? state.c_wep.getRandomMeleeAnim() : state.active_opts.shoot_empty_anim; if (!state.meleeHit and (!EmptyShoot(state) or anim < 0)) anim = state.c_wep.getRandomShootAnim(); state.wep.SendWeaponAnim( anim, 0, state.c_wep.w_body() ); // POSSIBLE BAWAN } if (windupAttack and state.c_wep.settings.player_anims == ANIM_REF_CROWBAR) { // Manually set wrench windup attack animation plr.m_Activity = ACT_RELOAD; plr.pev.frame = 0; plr.pev.sequence = 27; plr.ResetSequenceInfo(); //plr.pev.framerate = 0.5f; } else if (shouldPlayAttackAnim) { if (state.c_wep.settings.player_anims == ANIM_REF_UZIS) { // For some reason the dual uzi shooting animation uses a different reference set. plr.m_Activity = ACT_RELOAD; plr.pev.frame = 0; plr.pev.sequence = 132; plr.ResetSequenceInfo(); //plr.pev.framerate = 0.5f; } else plr.SetAnimation( PLAYER_ATTACK1 ); } // recoil plr.pev.punchangle.x = -Math.RandomFloat(state.active_opts.recoil.x, state.active_opts.recoil.y); plr.pev.punchangle.y = 0;//Math.RandomLong(-180, 180); plr.pev.punchangle.z = 0;//Math.RandomLong(-180, 180); //plr.pev.punchangle.y = 0; // idle random time after shooting state.wep.m_flTimeWeaponIdle = state.c_wep.WeaponTimeBase() + g_PlayerFuncs.SharedRandomFloat( plr.random_seed, 10, 15 ); // monster reactions to shooting or danger int hmode = state.active_opts.heal_mode; bool harmlessWep = hmode == HEAL_ALL or state.active_opts.pev.spawnflags & FL_SHOOT_IF_NOT_DAMAGE != 0; if (!state.healedTarget and !harmlessWep) { // get spooked plr.m_iWeaponFlash = BRIGHT_GUN_FLASH; plr.m_iWeaponVolume = NORMAL_GUN_VOLUME; plr.m_iExtraSoundTypes = bits_SOUND_COMBAT;//bits_SOUND_DANGER; plr.m_flStopExtraSoundTime = state.c_wep.WeaponTimeBase() + 0.2; } } // random shoot sound state.shootCount++; bool meleeSkip = state.active_opts.shoot_type == SHOOT_MELEE; bool noSndOverlap = state.active_opts.pev.spawnflags & FL_SHOOT_NO_MELEE_SOUND_OVERLAP != 0; bool constantBeaming = state.beam_active and state.minBeamTime == 0 and !state.first_beam_shoot; meleeSkip = meleeSkip and noSndOverlap; if (!meleeSkip and !state.shootingHook and !constantBeaming) { WeaponSound@ snd = state.active_opts.getRandomShootSound(); if (EmptyShoot(state) and state.active_opts.shoot_empty_snd.file.Length() > 0) @snd = @state.active_opts.shoot_empty_snd; SOUND_CHANNEL channel = state.shootCount % 2 == 0 or noSndOverlap ? CHAN_WEAPON : CHAN_VOICE; if (state.active_opts.shoot_type == SHOOT_MELEE or (state.active_opts.shoot_type == SHOOT_BEAM and state.minBeamTime == 0)) channel = CHAN_WEAPON; if (snd !is null), channel); @state.lastShootSnd = @snd; } // eject shell if (state.active_opts.shell_type != SHELL_NONE) { // TODO: Monster shell delay if (state.active_opts.shell_delay == 0 || !attacker.IsPlayer()) EjectShell(state); else { state.needShellEject = true; state.ejectShellTime = state.c_wep.WeaponTimeBase() + state.active_opts.shell_delay; setNextAttackThink(state, g_Engine.time); } } // muzzle flash int flash_size = int(state.active_opts.muzzle_flash_adv.x); int flash_life = int(state.active_opts.muzzle_flash_adv.y); int flash_decay = int(state.active_opts.muzzle_flash_adv.z); Color flash_color = Color(state.active_opts.muzzle_flash_color); bool isBlack = flash_color.r == 0 and flash_color.g == 0 and flash_color.b == 0; if (flash_life > 0 and flash_size > 0 and !isBlack) { Vector lpos = attacker.pev.origin + g_Engine.v_forward * 50; te_dlight(lpos, flash_size, flash_color, flash_life, flash_decay); if (attacker !is null) te_elight(attacker, lpos, flash_size*10, flash_color, flash_life, flash_decay); } if (noSndOverlap) { if (state.lastCooldownSnd !is null) state.lastCooldownSnd.stop(attacker, CHAN_VOICE); } // cooldown effect if (state.active_opts.user_effect3 !is null) state.nextCooldownEffect = g_Engine.time + state.active_opts.cooldown + state.active_opts.user_effect3.delay; Cooldown(state, state.active_opts); // shoot effect EHandle h_plr = attacker; EHandle h_wep = state.wep; custom_user_effect(h_plr, h_wep, @state.active_opts.user_effect1); int ammo_cost = state.partialAmmoUsage != -1 ? state.partialAmmoUsage : state.active_opts.ammo_cost; DepleteAmmo(state, ammo_cost); // remove weapon if exhaustable and ammo is empty if (attacker.IsPlayer()) { bool emptyClip = state.c_wep.settings.clip_size() <= 0 or state.wep.m_iClip <= 0; if (AmmoLeft(state, state.active_ammo_type) <= 0 and emptyClip and state.c_wep.settings.pev.spawnflags & FL_WEP_EXHAUSTIBLE != 0) { if (state.liveProjectiles > 0 and state.c_wep.settings.pev.spawnflags & FL_WEP_WAIT_FOR_PROJECTILES != 0) { // kill self after projectiles die state.deathTime = state.c_wep.WeaponTimeBase() + state.active_opts.cooldown; } else { state.wep.m_flNextPrimaryAttack = state.c_wep.WeaponTimeBase() + state.active_opts.cooldown; state.wep.m_flNextSecondaryAttack = state.c_wep.WeaponTimeBase() + state.active_opts.cooldown; state.wep.m_flNextTertiaryAttack = state.c_wep.WeaponTimeBase() + state.active_opts.cooldown; g_Scheduler.SetTimeout( "removeWeapon", state.active_opts.cooldown, @state.wep ); } } } } void DoAttack(WeaponState& state, bool windupAttack=false) { state.reloading = 0; state.reloading2 = 0; state.healedTarget = false; state.abortAttack = false; state.partialAmmoUsage = -1; if (!windupAttack) { state.windupMultiplier = 1.0f; state.partialAmmoModifier = 1.0f; } if (state.active_opts.pev.spawnflags & FL_SHOOT_PARTIAL_AMMO_SHOOT != 0) { if (state.c_wep.settings.clip_size() > 0) state.partialAmmoModifier = float(state.wep.m_iClip) / float(state.active_opts.ammo_cost); else state.partialAmmoModifier = AmmoLeft(state, state.active_ammo_type) / float(state.active_opts.ammo_cost); state.partialAmmoModifier = Math.min(1.0f, state.partialAmmoModifier); } // shoot stuff switch(state.active_opts.shoot_type) { case SHOOT_MELEE: case SHOOT_BULLETS: ShootBullets(state); break; case SHOOT_PROJECTILE: ShootProjectile(state); break; case SHOOT_BEAM: ShootBeam(state); break; } if (state.active_opts.hook_type != HOOK_DISABLED) ShootHook(state); DetonateSatchels(state); AttackEffects(state, windupAttack); } void Cooldown(WeaponState& state, weapon_custom_shoot@ opts, bool failureCooldown=false) { if (!state.user.IsPlayer()) return; // TODO: Monster cooldown? // cooldown float cooldownVal = failureCooldown ? opts.cooldown_fail : opts.cooldown; if (opts.shoot_type == SHOOT_MELEE and (!state.meleeHit or state.abortAttack)) cooldownVal = opts.melee_miss_cooldown; if (state.windupOvercharged) cooldownVal = opts.windup_overcharge_cooldown; if (state.beam_active and state.minBeamTime == 0) cooldownVal = opts.beam_ammo_cooldown; //self.m_flNextPrimaryAttack = WeaponTimeBase() + cooldownVal; //self.m_flNextSecondaryAttack = WeaponTimeBase() + cooldownVal; //self.m_flNextTertiaryAttack = WeaponTimeBase() + cooldownVal; state.nextShootTime = state.c_wep.WeaponTimeBase() + cooldownVal; } bool FailAttack(WeaponState& state, weapon_custom_shoot@ opts) { if (!state.abortAttack) return false; WeaponSound@ snd = opts.getRandomShootFailSound(); if (snd !is null), CHAN_WEAPON); Cooldown(state, opts, true); return true; } Vector getGunPos(CBaseEntity@ ent) { if (ent.IsPlayer()) return cast(ent).GetGunPosition(); else if (ent.IsMonster()) { // assume it's a custom monster return cast(CastToScriptClass(ent)).attackPosition(); } return ent.pev.origin; } bool EmptyShoot(WeaponState& state) { // TODO: Monster ammo if (state.user.IsPlayer()) { bool isPrimary = state.active_opts is null or state.active_opts.isPrimary(); int clip_size = isPrimary ? state.c_wep.settings.clip_size() : state.c_wep.settings.clip_size2; int clip = isPrimary ? state.wep.m_iClip : state.wep.m_iClip2; return ((clip_size > 0 and clip == 0) or (clip_size == 0 and AmmoLeft(state, state.active_ammo_type) == 0)); } return false; } void EjectShell(WeaponState& state) { CBaseEntity@ attacker = state.user; if (state.active_opts.shell_delay > 0), CHAN_ITEM); Math.MakeVectors( attacker.pev.v_angle ); // todo: monster version Vector ofs = state.active_opts.shell_offset; Vector vel = state.active_opts.shell_vel; ofs = ofs.x*g_Engine.v_right + ofs.y*g_Engine.v_up + ofs.z*g_Engine.v_forward; vel = vel.x*g_Engine.v_right + vel.y*g_Engine.v_up + vel.z*g_Engine.v_forward; float speed = vel.Length(); float spread = state.active_opts.shell_spread; vel = resizeVector(spreadDir(vel, spread), speed + Math.RandomFloat(-spread, spread)); Vector shellOri = getGunPos(attacker) + ofs; Vector shellVel = state.user.pev.velocity + vel; float shellRot = 1000; // has no effect... broken paramater? TE_BOUNCE bounceSnd = state.active_opts.shell_type == SHELL_SHOTGUN ? TE_BOUNCE_SHOTSHELL : TE_BOUNCE_SHELL; g_EntityFuncs.EjectBrass(shellOri, shellVel, shellRot, state.active_opts.shell_idx, bounceSnd); if (debug_mode) te_beampoints(shellOri, shellOri + resizeVector(shellVel, 32)); } void DepleteAmmo(WeaponState& state, int amt) { CBaseEntity@ attacker = state.user; if (state.active_ammo_type == -1) return; if (attacker.IsPlayer()) { CBasePlayer@ plr = cast(attacker); bool shouldUseClip = state.active_opts.isPrimary() or state.active_ammo_type == state.wep.m_iPrimaryAmmoType; bool shouldUseClip2 = state.active_opts.isSecondary() or state.active_ammo_type == state.wep.m_iSecondaryAmmoType; if (state.wep.m_iClip > 0 and shouldUseClip) state.wep.m_iClip -= amt; else if (state.wep.m_iClip2 > 0 and shouldUseClip2) state.wep.m_iClip2 -= amt; else // gun doesn't use a clip plr.m_rgAmmo( state.active_ammo_type, Math.max(0, AmmoLeft(state, state.active_ammo_type)-amt)); if( plr.m_rgAmmo(state.active_ammo_type) <= 0 ) // HEV suit - indicate out of ammo condition plr.SetSuitUpdate( "!HEV_AMO0", false, 0 ); } } int AmmoLeft(WeaponState& state, int ammoType) { if (ammoType == -1) return -1; // doesn't use ammo if (state.user.IsPlayer()) { CBasePlayer@ plr = cast(state.user); return Math.max(0, plr.m_rgAmmo( ammoType )); } return 13378; } void ShootBullets(WeaponState& state) { if (state.active_opts.bullet_delay > 0 and state.active_opts.bullets > 1) { state.burstFiring = true; ShootOneBullet(state); state.numBurstFires = 1; state.nextBurstFire = g_Engine.time + state.active_opts.bullet_delay; setNextAttackThink(state, g_Engine.time); return; } for (int i = 0; i < state.active_opts.bullets; i++) { ShootOneBullet(state); } } void ShootBeam(WeaponState& state) { if (state.beam_active) return; BeamOptions@ beam_opts = state.active_opts.beams[0]; for (uint i = 0; i < state.beams.size(); i++) state.beams[i].resize(state.active_opts.beam_ricochet_limit+1); state.beamHits.resize(state.active_opts.beam_ricochet_limit+1); state.beam_active = true; state.first_beam_shoot = true; state.beamStartTime = g_Engine.time; state.minBeamTime = Math.max(state.active_opts.beams[0].time, state.active_opts.beams[1].time); setNextAttackThink(state, g_Engine.time); // constant beam sounds state.hookAnimStarted = false; state.hookAnimStartTime = g_Engine.time + state.active_opts.hook_delay; } void UpdateBeams(WeaponState& state) { CBaseEntity@ attacker = state.user; bool doDamage = state.lastBeamDamage + state.active_opts.beam_impact_speed < g_Engine.time; if (doDamage) state.lastBeamDamage = g_Engine.time; int MAX_BEAMS = 2; array beamShots = CalcBeamShots(state); for (int i = 0; i < state.active_opts.beam_ricochet_limit+1; i++) { // create or update a beam if (i < int(beamShots.length())) { BeamShot@ shot = @beamShots[i]; // impact damages and effects if ( < 1.0) { if (shot.ent !is null) { if (doDamage) AttackMonster(state, shot.startPos,; } EHandle h_plr = attacker; EHandle h_ent = shot.ent; if (state.minBeamTime > 0 or doDamage) { DecalTarget dt = getProjectileDecalTarget(null,, 32); weapon_custom_effect@ ef; @ef = i == int(beamShots.length()-1) ? @state.active_opts.effect1 : @state.active_opts.effect2; Vector dir = ( - shot.startPos).Normalize(); custom_effect(, ef, EHandle(), h_ent, h_plr, dir, state.active_opts.friendly_fire ? 1 : 0, dt); } } // create or update beam ents for (int k = 0; k < MAX_BEAMS; k++) { BeamOptions@ beam_opts = state.active_opts.beams[k]; if (beam_opts.type == BEAM_DISABLED) continue; CBeam@ ricobeam; // create beam for current slot, if needed if (!state.beams[k][i]) { @ricobeam = g_EntityFuncs.CreateBeam( beam_opts.sprite, 16 ); int flags = 0; if (beam_opts.type == BEAM_SPIRAL or beam_opts.type == BEAM_SPIRAL_OPAQUE) flags |= BEAM_FSINE; if (beam_opts.type == BEAM_LINEAR_OPAQUE or beam_opts.type == BEAM_SPIRAL_OPAQUE) flags |= BEAM_FSOLID; ricobeam.SetFlags( flags ); // First beam is attached to player weapon bone if (i == 0) { ricobeam.SetType(BEAM_ENTPOINT); ricobeam.SetEndEntity(attacker); ricobeam.SetEndAttachment(1); } ricobeam.SetNoise(beam_opts.noise); ricobeam.SetWidth(beam_opts.width); ricobeam.SetColor(beam_opts.color.r, beam_opts.color.g, beam_opts.color.b); ricobeam.SetBrightness(beam_opts.color.a); ricobeam.SetScrollRate(beam_opts.scrollRate); state.beams[k][i] = ricobeam; } CBaseEntity@ ricobeamEnt = state.beams[k][i]; @ricobeam = cast(@ricobeamEnt); // Update position of beam if (i == 0) ricobeam.SetStartPos(; else ricobeam.PointsInit(, shot.startPos); // do beam animations if (beam_opts.alt_mode != BEAM_ALT_DISABLED) { int t = int((g_Engine.time - state.beamStartTime) * 10000); // convert to int for modulo op later int freq = int(beam_opts.alt_time * 10000); // time to alternate (half a cycle) float p = float(t % freq) / float(freq); // progress float q = 1.0f - p; // progress left switch(beam_opts.alt_mode) { case BEAM_ALT_LINEAR: case BEAM_ALT_LINEAR_TOGGLE: p = p; break; case BEAM_ALT_TOGGLE: p = (p < 0.5) ? 0 : 1; break; case BEAM_ALT_EASE: p = p*p*p / (p*p*p + q*q*q); break; case BEAM_ALT_RANDOM: p = Math.RandomFloat(0, 1);; break; } if (beam_opts.alt_mode != BEAM_ALT_LINEAR_TOGGLE and t % (freq*2) >= freq) p = 1.0f - p; { // color interp Color A = beam_opts.color; Color B = beam_opts.alt_color; int dr = int( float( int(B.r) - int(A.r) )*p + 0.5 ); int dg = int( float( int(B.g) - int(A.g) )*p + 0.5 ); int db = int( float( int(B.b) - int(A.b) )*p + 0.5 ); int da = int( float( int(B.a) - int(A.a) )*p + 0.5 ); Color C = Color(A.r + dr, A.g + dg, A.b + db, A.a + da); ricobeam.SetColor(C.r, C.g, C.b); ricobeam.SetBrightness(C.a); } { // width interp int a = beam_opts.width; int b = beam_opts.alt_width; int d = int( float(b - a)*p + 0.5 ); ricobeam.SetWidth(a + d); } { // noise interp int a = beam_opts.noise; int b = beam_opts.alt_noise; int d = int( float(b - a)*p + 0.5 ); ricobeam.SetNoise(a + d); } { // scroll interp int a = beam_opts.scrollRate; int b = beam_opts.alt_scrollRate; int d = int( float(b - a)*p + 0.5 ); ricobeam.SetScrollRate(a + d); } } } // create or update impact sprites if (state.active_opts.beam_impact_spr.Length() > 0) { bool shouldImpact = shot.ent !is null; shouldImpact = shouldImpact ; if (shot.ent !is null and (shot.ent.IsMonster() or isBreakableEntity(shot.ent))) { // kill sprite if it's currently expanding CBaseEntity@ beamEnt = state.beamHits[i]; if (state.beamHits[i] and beamEnt.pev.deadflag != 0) g_EntityFuncs.Remove( state.beamHits[i] ); CSprite@ impact; if (!state.beamHits[i]) { @impact = g_EntityFuncs.CreateSprite( state.active_opts.beam_impact_spr,, true, 10 ); impact.pev.rendermode = kRenderGlow; impact.pev.renderamt = state.active_opts.beam_impact_spr_color.a; impact.pev.scale = state.active_opts.beam_impact_spr_scale; impact.pev.framerate = 0; impact.pev.renderfx = kRenderFxNoDissipation; impact.pev.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; impact.pev.rendercolor = state.active_opts.beam_impact_spr_color.getRGB(); state.beamHits[i] = impact; } @beamEnt = state.beamHits[i]; @impact = cast(@beamEnt); impact.pev.origin =; // manual frame increments since framerate is broken (stutter if not multiple of 5) if (impact.Frames() > 0) { impact.pev.frame += state.active_opts.beam_impact_spr_fps*g_Engine.frametime; impact.pev.frame = impact.pev.frame % impact.Frames(); } } else if (state.beamHits[i]) g_EntityFuncs.Remove( state.beamHits[i] ); } } else { // destroy beams that are no longer active for (int k = 0; k < MAX_BEAMS; k++) { if (state.beams[k][i]) g_EntityFuncs.Remove( state.beams[k][i] ); } // destroy the impact sprites too if (state.beamHits[i]) g_EntityFuncs.Remove( state.beamHits[i] ); } } } void DestroyBeams(WeaponState& state) { if (!state.beam_active) return; for (int i = 0; i < state.active_opts.beam_ricochet_limit+1; i++) { for (uint k = 0; k < state.beams.length(); k++) { if (state.beams[k][i]) g_EntityFuncs.Remove( state.beams[k][i] ); } if (state.beamHits[i]) { CBaseEntity@ beamEnt = state.beamHits[i]; CSprite@ beam = cast(@beamEnt); beam.Expand(16.0f, 512.0f); // autokills the sprite when renderamt <= 0 beam.pev.deadflag = 1; // indicate that this sprite should be dead soon } } } void DestroyBeam(WeaponState& state, int beamId) { for (int i = 0; i < state.active_opts.beam_ricochet_limit+1; i++) if (state.beams[beamId][i]) g_EntityFuncs.Remove( state.beams[beamId][i] ); } void CancelBeam(WeaponState& state) { CBaseEntity@ attacker = state.user; DestroyBeams(state); bool beamWasActive = state.beam_active; state.beam_active = false; state.hookAnimStarted = false; if (state.active_opts is null) // weapon was never fired return; if (beamWasActive and state.minBeamTime == 0) { if (state.lastShootSnd !is null) state.lastShootSnd.stop(attacker, CHAN_VOICE); state.active_opts.hook_snd.stop(attacker, CHAN_VOICE);, CHAN_VOICE); if (attacker.IsPlayer()) state.wep.SendWeaponAnim( state.c_wep.settings.getRandomIdleAnim(), 0, state.c_wep.w_body() ); //self.SendWeaponAnim( state.active_opts.hook_anim2, 0, 0 ); //self.m_flTimeWeaponIdle = g_Engine.time + state.active_opts.hook_delay2; // idle after this Cooldown(state, state.active_opts); } } void CreateUserBeam(WeaponState& state, weapon_custom_user_effect@ effect) { CBaseEntity@ attacker = state.user; CBeam@ ubeam = g_EntityFuncs.CreateBeam( effect.beam_spr, 16 ); int flags = 0; if (effect.beam_type == BEAM_SPIRAL or effect.beam_type == BEAM_SPIRAL_OPAQUE) flags |= BEAM_FSINE; if (effect.beam_type == BEAM_LINEAR_OPAQUE or effect.beam_type == BEAM_SPIRAL_OPAQUE) flags |= BEAM_FSOLID; ubeam.SetFlags( flags ); // calculate start/end points Math.MakeVectors( attacker.pev.v_angle ); Vector ofs1 = effect.beam_start; Vector ofs2 = effect.beam_end; Vector gun = getGunPos(attacker); Vector vecStart = gun + ofs1.x*g_Engine.v_right + ofs1.y*g_Engine.v_up + ofs1.z*g_Engine.v_forward; Vector vecEnd = gun + ofs2.x*g_Engine.v_right + ofs2.y*g_Engine.v_up + ofs2.z*g_Engine.v_forward; // First beam is attached to player weapon bone switch (effect.beam_mode) { case UBEAM_ATTACH_ATTACH: ubeam.SetType(BEAM_ENTS); ubeam.SetStartEntity(attacker); ubeam.SetStartAttachment(int(effect.beam_start.x)); ubeam.SetEndEntity(attacker); ubeam.SetEndAttachment(int(effect.beam_end.x)); break; case UBEAM_ATTACH_POINT: ubeam.SetType(BEAM_ENTPOINT); ubeam.SetStartEntity(attacker); ubeam.SetStartAttachment(int(effect.beam_start.x)); ubeam.SetEndPos(vecEnd); break; case UBEAM_POINT_POINT: ubeam.SetType(BEAM_POINTS); ubeam.SetStartPos(vecStart); ubeam.SetEndPos(vecEnd); break; } ubeam.SetNoise(effect.beam_noise); ubeam.SetWidth(effect.beam_width); ubeam.SetColor(effect.beam_color.r, effect.beam_color.g, effect.beam_color.b); ubeam.SetBrightness(effect.beam_color.a); ubeam.SetScrollRate(effect.beam_scroll); EHandle h_ubeam = ubeam; state.ubeams.insertLast(h_ubeam); if (effect.beam_time > 0) { ubeam.pev.max_health = g_Engine.time + effect.beam_time; setNextAttackThink(state, g_Engine.time); } } // Calculate beam ricochets array CalcBeamShots(WeaponState& state) { CBaseEntity@ attacker = state.user; array shots; Math.MakeVectors( attacker.pev.v_angle ); // TODO: Monster angles Vector vecAiming = spreadDir(g_Engine.v_forward, state.active_opts.bullet_spread, state.active_opts.bullet_spread_func); Vector vecSrc = getGunPos(attacker); Vector vecEnd = vecSrc + vecAiming*state.active_opts.max_range; edict_t@ traceEnt = attacker.edict(); for (int i = 0; i < state.active_opts.beam_ricochet_limit+1; i++) { TraceResult tr; edict_t@ ignoreEnt = i == 0 ? attacker.edict() : state.wep.edict(); g_Utility.TraceLine( vecSrc, vecEnd, dont_ignore_monsters, ignoreEnt, tr ); CBaseEntity@ ent = g_EntityFuncs.Instance( tr.pHit ); BeamShot shot; shot.startPos = vecSrc; = tr; @shot.ent = @ent; shots.insertLast(shot); if (tr.flFraction < 1.0 and tr.pHit !is null) { Vector dir = (vecEnd - vecSrc).Normalize(); if (ent !is null and !ent.IsBSPModel()) break; // don't ricochet off monsters // Calculate reflection vector Vector n = tr.vecPlaneNormal; float dotdir = DotProduct(dir, n); float ricAngle = -dotdir * 90; if (ricAngle > state.active_opts.rico_angle) break; Vector r = (dir - 2*(dotdir)*n); // set up trace points for next iteration vecSrc = tr.vecEndPos; vecEnd = vecSrc + r*state.active_opts.max_range; } else break; } return shots; } CBaseEntity@ ShootCustomProjectile(WeaponState& state, string classname, Vector ori, Vector vel, Vector angles) { if (classname.Length() == 0) return null; ProjectileOptions@ options = @state.active_opts.projectile; dictionary keys; Vector boltAngles = angles * Vector(-1, 1, 1); keys["origin"] = ori.ToString(); keys["angles"] = boltAngles.ToString(); keys["velocity"] = vel.ToString(); // replace model or use error.mdl if no model specified and not a standard entity string model = options.model.Length() > 0 ? options.model : "models/error.mdl"; if (options.type == PROJECTILE_CUSTOM or options.type == PROJECTILE_OTHER and options.model.Length() > 0) keys["model"] = model; if (options.type == PROJECTILE_WEAPON) keys["model"] = state.c_wep.settings.wpn_w_model; if (options.type == PROJECTILE_CUSTOM and options.model.Length() == 0) keys["rendermode"] = "1"; // don't render the model CBaseEntity@ shootEnt = g_EntityFuncs.CreateEntity(classname, keys, false); @shootEnt.pev.owner = state.user.edict(); // do this or else crash WeaponCustomProjectile@ shootEnt_c = cast(CastToScriptClass(shootEnt)); if (shootEnt_c !is null) { @shootEnt_c.shoot_opts = @state.active_opts; if (state.c_wep !is null) // TODO: Monster that throws crowbars shootEnt_c.pickup_classname = state.c_wep.settings.weapon_classname; } g_EntityFuncs.DispatchSpawn(shootEnt.edict()); return shootEnt; } CBaseEntity@ ShootProjectile(WeaponState& state) { CBaseEntity@ attacker = state.user; Math.MakeVectors( attacker.pev.v_angle ); // TODO: monster angles Vector vecAiming = spreadDir(g_Engine.v_forward, state.active_opts.bullet_spread, state.active_opts.bullet_spread_func); ProjectileOptions@ options = @state.active_opts.projectile; // Get amount of player velocity to add to projectile. Vector inf = options.player_vel_inf; Vector pvel = attacker.pev.velocity; pvel = g_Engine.v_right * DotProduct(g_Engine.v_right, pvel)*inf.x + g_Engine.v_up * DotProduct(g_Engine.v_up, pvel)*inf.y + g_Engine.v_forward * DotProduct(g_Engine.v_forward, pvel)*inf.z; Vector projectile_velocity = g_Engine.v_right*options.speed*options.dir.x + Vector(0,0,1)*options.speed*options.dir.y + vecAiming*options.speed*options.dir.z + pvel; Vector ofs = g_Engine.v_right*options.offset.x + g_Engine.v_up*options.offset.y + g_Engine.v_forward*options.offset.z; Vector projectile_ori = getGunPos(attacker) + ofs; float grenadeTime = != 0 ? : 3.5f; // timed grenades only if (state.active_opts.windup_time > 0) grenadeTime = Math.max(0, grenadeTime - (g_Engine.time - state.windupStart)); CGrenade@ nade = null; CBaseEntity@ shootEnt = null; if (options.type == PROJECTILE_ARGRENADE) @nade = g_EntityFuncs.ShootContact( attacker.pev, projectile_ori, projectile_velocity ); else if (options.type == PROJECTILE_BANANA) @nade = g_EntityFuncs.ShootBananaCluster( attacker.pev, projectile_ori, projectile_velocity ); else if (options.type == PROJECTILE_BOLT) ShootCustomProjectile(state, "crossbow_bolt", projectile_ori, projectile_velocity, attacker.pev.v_angle); else if (options.type == PROJECTILE_HVR) ShootCustomProjectile(state, "hvr_rocket", projectile_ori, projectile_velocity, attacker.pev.v_angle); else if (options.type == PROJECTILE_SHOCK) ShootCustomProjectile(state, "shock_beam", projectile_ori, projectile_velocity, attacker.pev.v_angle); else if (options.type == PROJECTILE_HORNET) ShootCustomProjectile(state, "playerhornet", projectile_ori, projectile_velocity, attacker.pev.v_angle); else if (options.type == PROJECTILE_DISPLACER) @shootEnt = g_EntityFuncs.CreateDisplacerPortal( projectile_ori, projectile_velocity, attacker.edict(), 250, 250 ); else if (options.type == PROJECTILE_GRENADE) @nade = g_EntityFuncs.ShootTimed( attacker.pev, projectile_ori, projectile_velocity, grenadeTime ); else if (options.type == PROJECTILE_MORTAR) @nade = g_EntityFuncs.ShootMortar( attacker.pev, projectile_ori, projectile_velocity ); else if (options.type == PROJECTILE_RPG) { @shootEnt = g_EntityFuncs.CreateRPGRocket(projectile_ori, attacker.pev.v_angle, attacker.edict()); shootEnt.pev.velocity = shootEnt.pev.velocity + projectile_velocity; } else if (options.type == PROJECTILE_WEAPON) @shootEnt = ShootCustomProjectile(state, "custom_projectile", projectile_ori, projectile_velocity, attacker.pev.v_angle); else if (options.type == PROJECTILE_TRIPMINE) { // assumes MakeVectors was already called Vector vecSrc = getGunPos(attacker); // Find a good tripmine location TraceResult tr; Vector vecEnd = vecSrc + vecAiming * state.active_opts.max_range; g_Utility.TraceLine( vecSrc, vecEnd, dont_ignore_monsters, attacker.edict(), tr ); if (tr.flFraction >= 1.0 and state.active_opts.pev.spawnflags & FL_SHOOT_IF_NOT_MISS != 0) { state.abortAttack = true; } else { Vector tripOri = tr.vecEndPos + tr.vecPlaneNormal*8; Vector angles; g_EngineFuncs.VecToAngles(tr.vecPlaneNormal, angles); angles.x *= -1; // not sure why hlsdk doesn't do this string tripClass = options.entity_class.Length() > 0 ? options.entity_class : "monster_tripmine"; @shootEnt = ShootCustomProjectile(state, tripClass, tripOri, projectile_velocity, angles); } } else if (options.type == PROJECTILE_CUSTOM) @shootEnt = ShootCustomProjectile(state, "custom_projectile", projectile_ori, projectile_velocity, attacker.pev.v_angle); else if (options.type == PROJECTILE_OTHER) @shootEnt = ShootCustomProjectile(state, options.entity_class, projectile_ori, projectile_velocity, attacker.pev.v_angle); else println("Unknown projectile type: " + options.type); if (nade !is null) @shootEnt = cast(nade); if (shootEnt !is null) { if (options.follow_mode != FOLLOW_NONE) { EHandle h_plr = attacker; EHandle h_proj = shootEnt; float dur = options.follow_time.y; g_Scheduler.SetTimeout("projectile_follow_aim", options.follow_time.x, h_plr, h_proj, @state.active_opts, dur); } EHandle mdlHandle = @shootEnt; EHandle sprHandle; // TODO: Kill this when follow target dies (and its not a custom entity) if (options.sprite.Length() > 0) { dictionary keyvalues; keyvalues["origin"] = shootEnt.pev.origin.ToString(); keyvalues["model"] = options.sprite; keyvalues["rendermode"] = "5"; keyvalues["renderamt"] = "" + options.sprite_color.a; keyvalues["rendercolor"] = options.sprite_color.ToString(); keyvalues["scale"] = "" + options.sprite_scale; CBaseEntity@ spr = g_EntityFuncs.CreateEntity( "env_sprite", keyvalues, true ); spr.pev.movetype = MOVETYPE_FOLLOW; @spr.pev.aiment = shootEnt.edict(); = shootEnt.entindex(); spr.pev.body = 0; // attachement point sprHandle = @spr; } WeaponCustomProjectile@ shootEnt_c = cast(CastToScriptClass(shootEnt)); if (shootEnt_c !is null) shootEnt_c.spriteAttachment = sprHandle; // attach a trail if (options.trail_spr.Length() > 0) { NetworkMessage message(MSG_BROADCAST, NetworkMessages::SVC_TEMPENTITY, null); message.WriteByte(TE_BEAMFOLLOW); message.WriteShort(shootEnt.entindex()); message.WriteShort(options.trail_sprId); message.WriteByte(options.trail_life); message.WriteByte(options.trail_width); message.WriteByte(options.trail_color.r); message.WriteByte(options.trail_color.g); message.WriteByte(options.trail_color.b); message.WriteByte(options.trail_color.a); message.End(); } if ( > 0) g_Scheduler.SetTimeout("killProjectile",, mdlHandle, sprHandle, state.active_opts); // TODO: Monster projectile limits if (state.c_wep !is null and (state.c_wep.settings.max_live_projectiles > 0 or state.c_wep.settings.pev.spawnflags & FL_WEP_WAIT_FOR_PROJECTILES != 0)) { state.liveProjectiles++; MonitorProjectileLife(state, mdlHandle); } shootEnt.pev.avelocity = options.avel; // TODO: Allow setting projectile class and ally status int rel = attacker.IRelationship(shootEnt); bool isFriendly = rel == R_AL or rel == R_NO; if (shootEnt.IsMonster() and !isFriendly) shootEnt.SetPlayerAlly(true); //shootEnt.pev.dmg = state.active_opts.damage; // TODO: health set here shootEnt.pev.friction = 1.0f - options.elasticity; shootEnt.pev.gravity = options.gravity; if (shootEnt.pev.gravity == 0) { if (options.world_event != PROJ_ACT_BOUNCE and options.monster_event != PROJ_ACT_BOUNCE) shootEnt.pev.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY; // fixes jittering in grapple tongue shoot else shootEnt.pev.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCEMISSILE; } } // remove weapon from player if they threw it if (options.type == PROJECTILE_WEAPON) { g_Scheduler.SetTimeout( "removeWeapon", 0, @state.wep ); } return shootEnt; } void MonitorProjectileLife(WeaponState& state, EHandle h_proj) { bool dead = false; if (!h_proj) dead = true; CBaseEntity@ proj = h_proj; if (proj is null) dead = true; if (dead) { state.liveProjectiles--; if (state.liveProjectiles <= 0 and AmmoLeft(state, state.active_ammo_type) <= 0 and state.wep.m_iClip < 0) { g_Scheduler.SetTimeout( "removeWeapon", Math.min(0, (state.deathTime - g_Engine.time)), @state.wep ); } } else g_Scheduler.SetTimeout("MonitorProjectileLife", 0.1, @state, h_proj); } void DetonateSatchels(WeaponState& state) { CBaseEntity@ attacker = state.user; if (state.active_opts.pev.spawnflags & FL_SHOOT_DETONATE_SATCHELS == 0) return; //g_EntityFuncs.UseSatchelCharges(attacker.pev, SATCHEL_DETONATE); // ^ would be nice if that actually worked CBaseEntity@ ent = null; do { @ent = g_EntityFuncs.FindEntityByClassname(ent, "monster_satchel"); if (ent !is null) { CBaseEntity@ owner = g_EntityFuncs.Instance( state.wep.pev.owner ); if (owner.entindex() == attacker.entindex()) ent.Use(attacker, attacker, USE_TOGGLE, 0); } } while (ent !is null); } void ShootHook(WeaponState& state) { CBaseEntity@ attacker = state.user; if (!state.shootingHook) { state.shootingHook = true; state.windupHeld = true; state.lastWindupHeld = g_Engine.time; state.hookAnimStarted = false; state.hookAnimStartTime = g_Engine.time + state.active_opts.hook_delay; state.hook_ent = ShootProjectile(state); CBeam@ beam; if (!state.hook_beam) { BeamOptions@ beam_opts = state.active_opts.beams[0]; @beam = g_EntityFuncs.CreateBeam( beam_opts.sprite, 16 ); beam.SetType(BEAM_ENTS); beam.SetEndEntity(attacker); beam.SetEndAttachment(1); beam.SetStartEntity(state.hook_ent); int flags = 0; if (beam_opts.type == BEAM_SPIRAL or beam_opts.type == BEAM_SPIRAL_OPAQUE) flags |= BEAM_FSINE; if (beam_opts.type == BEAM_LINEAR_OPAQUE or beam_opts.type == BEAM_SPIRAL_OPAQUE) flags |= BEAM_FSOLID; beam.SetFlags( flags ); beam.SetNoise(beam_opts.noise); beam.SetWidth(beam_opts.width); beam.SetColor(beam_opts.color.r, beam_opts.color.g, beam_opts.color.b); beam.SetBrightness(beam_opts.color.a); beam.SetScrollRate(beam_opts.scrollRate); state.hook_beam = beam; } CBaseEntity@ beamEnt = state.hook_beam; @beam = cast(@beamEnt); setNextAttackThink(state, g_Engine.time); } } void ShootOneBullet(WeaponState& state) { CBaseEntity@ attacker = state.user; Vector vecSrc = getGunPos(attacker); if (attacker.IsPlayer()) Math.MakeVectors( attacker.pev.v_angle ); else Math.MakeAimVectors( attacker.pev.angles ); Vector vecAiming = spreadDir(g_Engine.v_forward, state.active_opts.bullet_spread, state.active_opts.bullet_spread_func); // Do the bullet collision TraceResult tr; Vector vecEnd = vecSrc + vecAiming * state.active_opts.max_range; g_Utility.TraceLine( vecSrc, vecEnd, dont_ignore_monsters, attacker.edict(), tr ); //te_beampoints(vecSrc, vecEnd); if ( tr.flFraction >= 1.0 and state.active_opts.shoot_type == SHOOT_MELEE) { // This does a trace in the form of a box so there is a much higher chance of hitting something // From crowbar.cpp in the hlsdk: g_Utility.TraceHull( vecSrc, vecEnd, dont_ignore_monsters, head_hull, attacker.edict(), tr ); if ( tr.flFraction < 1.0 ) { // Calculate the point of intersection of the line (or hull) and the object we hit // This is and approximation of the "best" intersection CBaseEntity@ pHit = g_EntityFuncs.Instance( tr.pHit ); if ( pHit is null or pHit.IsBSPModel() ) g_Utility.FindHullIntersection( vecSrc, tr, tr, VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN, VEC_DUCK_HULL_MAX, attacker.edict() ); vecEnd = tr.vecEndPos; // This is the point on the actual surface (the hull could have hit space) } } state.meleeHit = state.active_opts.shoot_type == SHOOT_MELEE and tr.flFraction < 1.0; bool revivedSomething = false; bool reviveOnly = state.active_opts.heal_mode >= HEAL_REVIVE_FRIENDS; if (reviveOnly) { CBaseEntity@ revTarget = getReviveTarget(tr.vecEndPos, REVIVE_RADIUS, attacker, state.active_opts); if (revTarget !is null) { float revPoints = revive(revTarget, state.active_opts); revivedSomething = true; // revive attacks are special and always play melee hit sounds if (state.active_opts.pev.spawnflags & FL_SHOOT_NO_MELEE_SOUND_OVERLAP == 0) { WeaponSound@ snd = state.active_opts.getRandomMeleeHitSound(); if (snd !is null), CHAN_VOICE); } } } if (state.active_opts.pev.spawnflags & FL_SHOOT_NO_BUBBLES == 0) water_bullet_effects(vecSrc, tr.vecEndPos); // do more fancy effects if( tr.flFraction < 1.0 ) { if( tr.pHit !is null ) { CBaseEntity@ pHit = g_EntityFuncs.Instance( tr.pHit ); if( pHit !is null ) { if (!AttackMonster(state, vecSrc, tr)) { state.abortAttack = !revivedSomething; return; } string decal = getBulletDecalOverride(pHit, getDecal(state.active_opts.bullet_decal)); if (pHit.IsBSPModel()) { if (state.active_opts.shoot_type == SHOOT_BULLETS) te_gunshotdecal(tr.vecEndPos, pHit, decal); if (state.active_opts.shoot_type == SHOOT_MELEE) te_decal(tr.vecEndPos, pHit, decal); } bool playDefaultMeleeSnd = state.active_opts.shoot_type == SHOOT_MELEE; bool playDefaultMeleeSndQuietly = isBreakableEntity(pHit); // only SC does this if (pHit.IsMonster() or pHit.IsPlayer()) { if (!pHit.IsMachine()) { // impact sound WeaponSound@ snd = state.active_opts.getRandomMeleeFleshSound(); if (snd !is null), CHAN_VOICE); playDefaultMeleeSnd = false; } else playDefaultMeleeSndQuietly = true; } if (playDefaultMeleeSnd) { float volume = playDefaultMeleeSndQuietly ? 0.5f : 1.0f; WeaponSound@ snd = state.active_opts.getRandomMeleeHitSound(); if (snd !is null), CHAN_VOICE, volume); } EHandle h_plr = attacker; EHandle h_ent = pHit; weapon_custom_effect@ ef = pHit.IsBSPModel() ? @state.active_opts.effect1 : @state.active_opts.effect2; custom_effect(tr.vecEndPos, ef, EHandle(), h_ent, h_plr, vecAiming, state.active_opts.friendly_fire ? 1 : 0); } } } else // Bullet didn't hit anything { if (state.active_opts.pev.spawnflags & FL_SHOOT_IF_NOT_MISS != 0) { state.abortAttack = !revivedSomething; return; } bool meleeSkip = state.active_opts.shoot_type == SHOOT_MELEE; meleeSkip = meleeSkip and (state.active_opts.pev.spawnflags & FL_SHOOT_NO_MELEE_SOUND_OVERLAP != 0); // melee weapons are special and only play shoot sounds when they miss if (meleeSkip and !state.shootingHook) { WeaponSound@ snd = state.active_opts.getRandomShootSound();, CHAN_WEAPON); } } // bullet tracer effects if (state.active_opts.bullet_color != -1) { if (state.active_opts.bullet_color == 4) { // default tracer, no special calculations needed te_tracer(vecSrc, tr.vecEndPos); } else { // no way to prevent usertracer going through walls, but we can at least minimize that. float len = tr.flFraction*state.active_opts.max_range; int life = int(len / 600.0f) + 1; te_usertracer(vecSrc, vecAiming, 6000.0f, life, state.active_opts.bullet_color, 12); } } } bool CanStartAttack(WeaponState& state, weapon_custom_shoot@ opts) { if (state.deployTime + state.c_wep.settings.deploy_time > g_Engine.time) { return false; } if (state.windingUp or state.reloading != 0 or state.reloading2 != 0) { state.windupHeld = true; state.lastWindupHeld = g_Engine.time; return false; } if (state.shootingHook or state.beam_active) { state.windupHeld = true; state.lastWindupHeld = g_Engine.time; if (@opts != @state.active_opts) return false; } if (!cooldownFinished(state)) return false; if (opts.pev.spawnflags & FL_SHOOT_NO_AUTOFIRE != 0) { if (!state.canShootAgain) { return false; } state.canShootAgain = false; setNextAttackThink(state, g_Engine.time); } if (PreventReviveStart(state, opts)) { state.abortAttack = true; FailAttack(state, opts); return false; } return AllowedToShoot(state, opts); } bool AllowedToShoot(WeaponState& state, weapon_custom_shoot@ opts) { CBaseEntity@ attacker = state.user; bool canshoot = true; bool emptySound = false; // don't fire underwater if( attacker.pev.waterlevel == WATERLEVEL_HEAD and !opts.can_fire_underwater()) { emptySound = true; canshoot = false; } if (attacker.IsPlayer()) { int ammoType = state.wep.m_iPrimaryAmmoType; if (opts.isSecondary() or (opts.isTertiary() and opts.weapon.tertiary_ammo_type == TAMMO_SAME_AS_SECONDARY)) ammoType = state.wep.m_iSecondaryAmmoType; if (ammoType != -1) // ammo used at all? { bool shootingPrimary = opts.isPrimary() or ammoType == state.wep.m_iPrimaryAmmoType; bool shootingSecondary = opts.isSecondary() or ammoType == state.wep.m_iSecondaryAmmoType; bool partialAmmoShoot = (opts.pev.spawnflags & FL_SHOOT_PARTIAL_AMMO_SHOOT) != 0; bool shouldUseClip = (state.c_wep.settings.clip_size() > 0 and shootingPrimary) or (state.c_wep.settings.clip_size2 > 0 and shootingSecondary); bool emptyClip = (state.c_wep.settings.clip_size() > 0 and state.wep.m_iClip < opts.ammo_cost and shootingPrimary) or (state.c_wep.settings.clip_size2 > 0 and state.wep.m_iClip2 < opts.ammo_cost and shootingSecondary); bool emptyAmmo = AmmoLeft(state, ammoType) < opts.ammo_cost; if (shootingPrimary) emptyClip = emptyClip and (!partialAmmoShoot or state.wep.m_iClip <= 0); if (shootingSecondary) emptyClip = emptyClip and (!partialAmmoShoot or state.wep.m_iClip2 <= 0); emptyAmmo = emptyAmmo and (!partialAmmoShoot or AmmoLeft(state, ammoType) <= 0); if ((emptyClip and shouldUseClip) or (!shouldUseClip and emptyAmmo)) { emptySound = true; canshoot = false; if (opts.isSecondary() and !emptyAmmo) { emptySound = false; state.reloadSecondary = true; state.c_wep.Reload(); } } } if (opts.shoot_type == SHOOT_PROJECTILE and state.c_wep.settings.max_live_projectiles > 0 and state.liveProjectiles >= state.c_wep.settings.max_live_projectiles) canshoot = false; } // TODO: Monster ammo if (!canshoot) { state.abortAttack = true; if (emptySound) PlayEmptySound(state, opts); FailAttack(state, opts); } return canshoot; } bool cooldownFinished(WeaponState& state) { return state.nextShootTime <= g_Engine.time; } // special logic for stopping revive windup if no revive target in range bool PreventReviveStart(WeaponState& state, weapon_custom_shoot@ opts) { CBaseEntity@ attacker; bool reviveOnly = opts.heal_mode >= HEAL_REVIVE_FRIENDS; if (!reviveOnly or opts.shoot_type == SHOOT_PROJECTILE) return false; Vector vecSrc = getGunPos(attacker); Math.MakeVectors( attacker.pev.v_angle ); // todo: monser angles Vector vecAiming = spreadDir(g_Engine.v_forward, opts.bullet_spread, opts.bullet_spread_func); // Do the bullet collision TraceResult tr; Vector vecEnd = vecSrc + vecAiming * opts.max_range; g_Utility.TraceLine( vecSrc, vecEnd, dont_ignore_monsters, attacker.edict(), tr ); //te_beampoints(vecSrc, vecEnd); if ( tr.flFraction >= 1.0 and opts.shoot_type == SHOOT_MELEE) { // This does a trace in the form of a box so there is a much higher chance of hitting something // From crowbar.cpp in the hlsdk: g_Utility.TraceHull( vecSrc, vecEnd, dont_ignore_monsters, head_hull, attacker.edict(), tr ); if ( tr.flFraction < 1.0 ) { // Calculate the point of intersection of the line (or hull) and the object we hit // This is and approximation of the "best" intersection CBaseEntity@ pHit = g_EntityFuncs.Instance( tr.pHit ); if ( pHit is null or pHit.IsBSPModel() ) g_Utility.FindHullIntersection( vecSrc, tr, tr, VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN, VEC_DUCK_HULL_MAX, attacker.edict() ); vecEnd = tr.vecEndPos; // This is the point on the actual surface (the hull could have hit space) } } bool revivedSomething = false; if (reviveOnly) { CBaseEntity@ revTarget = getReviveTarget(tr.vecEndPos, REVIVE_RADIUS, attacker, opts); if (revTarget !is null) { // prevent the corpse from fading before windup finishes revTarget.BeginRevive(opts.windup_time); return false; } } return true; } bool PlayEmptySound(WeaponState& state, weapon_custom_shoot@ opts) { CBaseEntity@ attacker = state.user; //self.m_bPlayEmptySound = false; WeaponSound@ snd; if (opts.isPrimary()) @snd = @state.c_wep.settings.primary_empty_snd; else if (opts.isSecondary()) @snd = @state.c_wep.settings.secondary_empty_snd; else @snd = @state.c_wep.settings.tertiary_empty_snd;, CHAN_WEAPON); return false; } // Returns false if attack should be aborted (medkit logic) bool AttackMonster(WeaponState& state, Vector vecSrc, TraceResult tr) { CBaseEntity@ attacker = state.user; CBaseEntity@ ent = g_EntityFuncs.Instance( tr.pHit ); if (ent is null) return true; Vector attackDir = (tr.vecEndPos - vecSrc).Normalize(); Vector angles = Math.VecToAngles(attackDir); Math.MakeVectors(angles); Vector knockVel = g_Engine.v_forward*state.active_opts.knockback.z + g_Engine.v_up*state.active_opts.knockback.y + g_Engine.v_right*state.active_opts.knockback.x; int dmgType = state.active_opts.shoot_type == SHOOT_MELEE ? DMG_CLUB : DMG_BULLET; dmgType = state.active_opts.damageType(dmgType); // damage done before hitgroup multipliers float attackDamage = state.active_opts.damage*state.windupMultiplier*state.partialAmmoModifier; float baseDamage = applyDamageModifiers(attackDamage, ent, attacker, state.active_opts); if (baseDamage < 0) { // avoid TraceAttack so scis don't think we're shooting at them float healPoints = -heal(ent, state.active_opts, -baseDamage); if (healPoints == 0 and state.active_opts.pev.spawnflags & FL_SHOOT_IF_NOT_DAMAGE != 0) return false; if (state.active_opts.pev.spawnflags & FL_SHOOT_PARTIAL_AMMO_SHOOT != 0) { // don't use all ammo if we were only able to heal a small amount if (healPoints < attackDamage and attackDamage > 0) { float ammoScale = healPoints / attackDamage; state.partialAmmoUsage = int(ammoScale * state.active_opts.ammo_cost); } } } else { if (state.active_opts.pev.spawnflags & FL_SHOOT_IF_NOT_DAMAGE != 0) return false; g_WeaponFuncs.ClearMultiDamage(); // fixes TraceAttack() crash for some reason ent.TraceAttack(attacker.pev, baseDamage, attackDir, tr, dmgType); Vector oldVel = ent.pev.velocity; if (state.active_opts.friendly_fire) { // set both classes in case this a pvp map where classes are always changing int oldClass1 = attacker.GetClassification(0); int oldClass2 = ent.GetClassification(0); attacker.KeyValue("classify", CLASS_PLAYER); ent.KeyValue("classify", CLASS_ALIEN_MILITARY); g_WeaponFuncs.ApplyMultiDamage(attacker.pev, attacker.pev); attacker.KeyValue("classify", oldClass1); ent.KeyValue("classify", oldClass2); } else g_WeaponFuncs.ApplyMultiDamage(attacker.pev, attacker.pev); if (dmgType & DMG_LAUNCH == 0) // prevent high damage from launching unless we ask for it ent.pev.velocity = oldVel; } knockBack(ent, knockVel); if (state.active_opts.user_effect6 !is null) { EHandle h_ent = ent; EHandle h_wep = state.wep; custom_user_effect(h_ent, h_wep, state.active_opts.user_effect6); } return true; } }